You don’t need a big audience to make big money. As long as your content is speaking to the right people, it doesn’t matter what your follower count is or how many likes you get on a reel. Having 10K followers doesn’t necessarily equate to 10K months. So, let’s all step off the vanity metrics train shall we?
A lot of my clients have under 1000 followers and they’re making 5k+ months. In 2020 I was making 2-3K months and was receiving 500+ likes on a post. Now, I’m making 10K consistent months and I’m lucky if I even get 50 likes.
A successful and profitable business is all about building meaningful connections and a strong community.
That’s not to say visibility isn’t important – it’s very important… but you don’t need to be chasing the 1000’s. You can make BIG money from 100 – even 10 – people in your audience.
Let’s talk about how to get visible when you feel like nobody’s watching.
There are 3 ways to grow your audience:
I’m an expert on building your own audience and IMO I think it’s the best route.
It’s all about building a community. One of the positives about having a small group of followers is that you can really get to know that group of people. When you get to know them, they get to know YOU. This builds trust factor and it means they’re more likely to buy from you.
Ask yourself, how can I offer my audience the most amount of value? How are you welcoming new people into your audience? How can you deepen the relationships with the people in your community? It’s these things that will create you a strong community, and in turn a strong brand.
Remember, how you show up for 10 people sets the tone for how you’ll show up when there are thousands of people watching. This is so important. What type of leader are you going to be?
Next, think about the different ways you can get in front of people. Instagram is not the only way to build relationships and your business. This is why I created the Made For More Event.
How can you create meaningful connections? In-person networking events are an amazing opportunity to get in front of different people and work with them directly or collaborate so you can spread your message further.
Think creatively. How can you get out of the office more? How can you have more fun? How can you meet more people, have more experiences? Where are your ideal clients hanging out?
Remember, having 10 meaningful connections is going to bring you SO MUCH more than a viral video that brings in cold clients.
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© 2020 Jenna O'Keefe
I’m Jenna.
I help ambitious women unearth their limiting beliefs and step into their power.