We’re in the middle of the year and it’s a really good time to start checking in on how things are going for you.
We start January with the best intentions and what usually happens is by the time it gets to the middle of the year our goal posts have changed… maybe we’ve self-sabotaged and we’re not where we should be… maybe we’ve exceeded our goals and we need to create new ones.
Wherever you’re at, this is your opportunity to reset.
Here’s how to create success in 6 months…
✨ Get really clear on what you want
Having a BIG vision is going to provide you with the momentum and motivation that you need to create your dream life. What is it that you want? Write a list! Money, relationship, health, impact. Be really specific.
You can treat this as your mini new year. You don’t need to wait until the next January, or the next Monday to begin. Take action today because the only person that is going to change your life is YOU. You’ve got to see your vision and BELIEVE in your goals.
✨ The secret to success: consistency
You can reverse engineer your dream life by taking action today and then maintaining consistency. So start today! Do three little things that are going to take you one step closer. Consistency over time is the catalyst for huge results and in my opinion, is the secret to success.
Changing your life is not one big magic thing or moment. It’s a series of daily choices that stack up over time to create CHANGE.
When you start creating goals, you can allow yourself to think BIG. 5 years is a great amount of time for setting a BIG vision. You can make a LOT happen and it’s so possible for YOU, when you apply yourself.
If you feel inspired you to take action and become your best self in 6 months, DM me the word GOALS or check out IDGAF.
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© 2020 Jenna O'Keefe
I’m Jenna.
I help ambitious women unearth their limiting beliefs and step into their power.