Conversion isn’t the sexiest thing to be talking about. When it comes to visibility and viral content, conversion always falls flat. However as a Marketing Strategist of 10+ years this is mind blowing to me – the one thing I care about is conversion.
Why do I care about conversion so much? You want your biz to run like an engine, so it pulls people into your audience and converts at a high rate with very little output.
The common mistake that I see is when business owners don’t nail their conversion strategy and instead they solely focus on their visibility and viral content. This means you’re bringing in a high influx of people into their world but they don’t have anywhere to go. You haven’t worked on their conversion strategy and you haven’t given thought to their customer experience. You’re capped at a set income ceiling and you’re only making money through big launches.
You want people to gravitate into your world and convert seamlessly. If you have to hand hold people in the DM’s, this is a sign that your strategy is not working and it will lead to burnout. You’re putting too much work and effort into every sale. You want people to come in, follow you and buy from you, all without you actively engaging in the DM’s.
Read on to find out the 3 biggest mistakes people make and how you can make your conversion strategy flawless. Poor conversion looks like…
I love educational and value content however if you are ONLY posting this type of content to your feed, people will be getting the transformation but you’re not giving them the next step. They won’t be clear on what your offer is, what you’re selling and how you can help them. By doing this, you’re losing out on so much time where they could have bought from you time and time again, but they haven’t because they’re confused.
If this is you, prioritise posting authority positioning content. This is the content that positions you as the leader so people know exactly your method, why you do things the way you do, why they’re going to get a transformation with you and why your work is so special that they have to buy there and then. Post this every week! This could even look like social proof.
Task: audit your content.
If you have 5+ different links in there, to different offerings – stop! Think about the type of client you’re looking to attract. They’re likely to be powerhouses, busy, spinning-loads-of-plates, mum, travelling, high-performers. Your ideal client doesn’t have time to sit and click on every link in your bio to try to work out what you offer and how you can help them.
It’s your job, as a marketer, to identify where people are dropping off, where you’re losing people’s attention and remove those barriers. You could be viral and pull in loads of people, but it won’t matter if people click on your bio and get totally lost. Invest in a program (for example, Stanstore which links with Apple Pay) which reduces people’s clicks. People can buy from you in two taps.
Task: audit your own sales process.
The first thing I do when I land on someone’s Instagram page is click on their highlights – you don’t want these to be 150 weeks old. If you’re not updating your highlights on a weekly basis you’re leaving money on the table. Keep them tidy, keep them slick. Imagine your Instagram as your house and you’re welcoming your audience inside. Don’t focus on bringing more people into the party, until you’ve tidied the house.
Task: audit your Instagram.
Audit these 3 areas and see where you’re dropping the ball, where you’re losing leads and where people are getting confused, fatigued or bored and as a result, investing with someone else. If you get this right, you will 10x your income and it’s really so simple.
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© 2020 Jenna O'Keefe
I’m Jenna.
I help ambitious women unearth their limiting beliefs and step into their power.